Fewer bacteria in the water with Anolytech’s environmentally friendly disinfection

Swedish hatching egg producer Valla Rusthåll had problems with biofilm in the water pipes. Anolytech’s environmentally friendly system for disinfection of water without harmful chemicals solved the problems. At Valla Rusthåll in Väderstad on the Swedish Östgöta plain, Alexander Gideskog produces breeding eggs that are developed into broilers. The poultry of the farm’s operations was […]

How to extend sprout shelf life with Anolytech’s water disinfection system

The cultivation company Nyttogrönt’s problem with bacteria made the roots on their organic sprouts rotted. The solution was Swedish Anolytechs environmentally friendly systems for disinfection of water without harmful chemicals. Nyttogrönt in Munka-Ljungby, Scania, cultivate food indoors all year round, with the goal of producing the best sprouts and shoots in Scandinavia.      The […]

Bacterial biofilm in water pipes disappeared with Anolytech’s water disinfection system

Pig producer Mansdala Gård in Swedish Österlen had problems with organisms that led to biofilm in water pipes. Swedish Anolytech’s environmentally friendly system for disinfecting water without harmful chemicals solved the problem. The Carlsson family raises pigs at Mansdala Farm and two smaller farms nearby. Ulrika and Sven-Olof bought the farm in 1994 and live […]

Mold in water cleaning pumpkins disappeared with Anolytech’s disinfection system

Sweden’s largest grower of pumpkins had problems with bacteria in wash water leading to mold formation on the vegetables. Anolytech’s environmentally friendly system for disinfecting water became a way to deal with the problems. At Löderup Boställe in Österlen, Leif Nilsson has been growing pumpkins for 30 years. The business has gradually grown as more […]

Handdesinfektion från svenska Anolytech minskade smittorisken under Båstadtennisen

För arrangörerna av ”Båstadtennisen” var tillgången till handdesinfektion av god kvalitet viktig för att möjliggöra möten, umgänge och affärer på ett säkert sätt. Anolytechs desinficering av vatten utan skadliga kemikalier löste problemen. Arena Båstad AB driver och utvecklar den klassiska årliga tennisturneringen på Båstad Tennisstadion, där centrecourten anlades redan 1907. Tennisstadion är tillsammans med närliggande […]

Anolytech sponsrar Svenska handbollslandslaget

Anolytech fortsätter sponsra Svenska Handbollslandslaget med AnoDes Anolytech har under senaste året sponsrat Svenska handbollslandslaget med AnoDes. Anolytechs pH optimerade hypoklorsyra för desinfektion. Svenska Handbollslandslaget damer och herrar har använt sig av AnoDes för desinfektion av händer och ytor. Landslaget har även tillgång till Anolytechs dimningsutrustning för att desinficera omklädningsrum och transportfordon.         Efter ett […]

Microbes in water distribution pipes vanished with Anolytech’s disinfection system

The industrial enterprise Bona faced problems with microbes in water distribution pipes causing unpleasant product scent and reduced durability. Anolytech’s sustainable water disinfection system solved the problems. Founded already in 1919, the family owned enterprise Bona today provides products for installation, renovation and maintenance of quality flooring to customers in 90 countries all over the […]

Less bacteria and healthier cows with Swedish Anolytech’s of water disinfection system

Rista dairy farm in Sweden faced problems with a bacterial biofilm in its cows drinking water tubs. The solution was Anolytech’s sustainable system for disinfecting water without chemicals harmful to animals and humans. The Gunnarsson family are farmers since four generations. Together with his wife Kristina and sons Kenneth and Krister, Karl-Gunnar runs two farms […]

Så sparar Ystads kommun 75 miljoner liter vatten per år

Ny rening av avloppsvatten sparar 75 miljoner liter dricksvatten per år Reningsverket tar hjälp av Ystadsföretaget Anolytech för att rena avloppsvattnet från mikroorganismer. Därmed kan avloppsvattnet återanvändas och 75 miljoner liter dricksvatten sparas varje år. – För oss är ordern värd nästan en miljon kronor, men framför allt ger den oss ett genombrott på en […]